Thursday, September 13, 2018

The N Commandments: Part 3 - WORRY NOT

The N Commandments: Part 3 - WORRY NOT 
Main Text: Matthew 6:25-34 (NLT)
September 9, 2018
Sharon Post: Church Council
This is an original series by: Andy Stanley & North Point Ministries - Used by Permission

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at    I Said YES

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The N Commandments: Part 2 - FEAR NOT

The N Commandments: Part 2 - FEAR NOT 
Main Text: Matthew  10:28-31 (NIV)
September 2, 2018
Brad Post: Events & Outreach Pastor
This is an original series by: Andy Stanley & North Point Ministries - Used by Permission

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at    I Said YES