Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Read... Set... Risk - Part 1 Saying "YES" To God

Read... Set... Risk - Part 1 Saying "YES" To God
TEXT: Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)
July 24, 2016
Marc Phillips

Sermon Outline

Monday, July 18, 2016

In the Storms of Life

In the Storms of Life
July 17, 2016
Brad Post

Thank you for understanding the delay in having our podcast up for the last 3 weeks, as some of our leadership staff was away enjoying a time of vacation, and getting refreshed to continue to stay healthy as they lead us.

Faithfulness of God

Faithfulness of God
July 10, 2016
Brad Post

Thank you for understanding the delay in having our podcast up for the last 3 weeks, as some of our leadership staff was away enjoying a time of vacation, and getting refreshed to continue to stay healthy as they lead us.

Journey of Trust

Journey of Trust
July 3, 2016
Sharon Post

Thank you for understanding the delay in having our podcast up for the last 3 weeks, as some of our leadership staff was away enjoying a time of vacation, and getting refreshed to continue to stay healthy as they lead us.

Foundation of Faith Part 5 - An Issue Of The Heart

Foundation of Faith Part 5 - An Issue Of The Heart
TEXT: Proverbs 27:19 (NLT)
June 26, 2016
Marc Phillips

Thank you for understanding the delay in having our podcast up for the last 3 weeks, as some of our leadership staff was away enjoying a time of vacation, and getting refreshed to continue to stay healthy as they lead us.

Sermon Outline