Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Habitat For Divinity Part 7 - The Holy Fire Is For You

Habitat For Divinity Part 7 - The Holy Fire Is For You
TextT: Acts 2:1-6 (NLT)
September 24, 2017
Brad Post: Events & Outreach Pastor

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at www.thegrovefc.org/yes    I Said YES

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Habitat For Divinity Part 6 - 50 Changes Everything

Habitat For Divinity Part 6 - 50 Changes Everything
TextT: Acts 2:1-6 (NLT)
September 17, 2017
Marc Phillips

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at www.thegrovefc.org/yes    I Said YES

Sermon Outline

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Habitat For Divinity Part 5B - Holy Spirit Q&A

Habitat For Divinity Part 5B - Holy Spirit Q&A
September 10, 2017
(2nd Service)

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at www.thegrovefc.org/yes    I Said YES

Habitat For Divinity Part 5A - Holy Spirit Q&A

Habitat For Divinity Part 5A - Holy Spirit Q&A
September 10, 2017
(Early Service)

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at www.thegrovefc.org/yes    I Said YES

Monday, September 4, 2017

Habitat For Divinity Part 4 - Not A 3rd Place Person

Habitat For Divinity Part 4 - Not A 3rd Place Person
Text: Ephesians John 14:15-21, 16:5-15 (NLT)
September 3, 2017
Marc Phillips

If you've made a decision to Say "YES" to follow Jesus, please let us know at www.thegrovefc.org/yes    I Said YES

Sermon Outline